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Wikipedia Page Deletion

On Wikipedia, many pages are deleted every day, as per their deletion policy. This blog will help you understand why your Wikipedia page might get removed and what you can do about a deletion that you disagree with.? There are many reasons why your Wikipedia page might be deleted, these included, but are not limited to the following: If your content meets at least one of the criteria for speedy deletion. The content you have uploaded violates copyrights and/or includes other material that violates Wikipedia?s non-free content criteria. It included vandalism, or if it exists solely to depreciate the subject. It is composed entirely of patent nonsense i.e. gibberish or has many redirecting links. It includes advertising or some other kind of spam without any relevant content. If the article cannot be attributed to reliable sources, and if they contain hoaxes or even original theories and conclusions. The page gets deleted when multiple attempts to find reliable sources to verify them fail. If it breaches Wikipedia?s policy on the biographies of living persons. If it includes files that are unused or violate the non-free policy of Wikipedia. If it contains any other content that is not suitable for an encyclopedia. All the above reasons will result in a speedy deletion of your page. For articles that do not meet the strict criteria for speedy deletion, proposed deletion (PROD) is a method through which your page might get nominate an article or file for uncontroversial deletion. If someone feels that your article is in disagreement with Wikipedia norms, they can nominate it for deletion. Articles for deletion or AfD is where the editors/volunteers or Wikipedians, as they are known, discuss whether an article should be deleted. However, even if your page gets deleted anyone may have the PRODed article or file restored through a request for undeletion. First let?s understand how deletion nomination work: An editor sees your article and feels that it does not belong on Wikipedia. They nominate the article for deletion, along with an explanation of why they think it is inappropriate for the site. Other editors respond to the nomination: In the AfD or Articles for Deletion process, the editors (including you) may agree- indicated with support/delete- or disagree-indicated with oppose/keep- or even suggest other alternatives to deletion such as merging it or redirecting it to another article. In the PROD process, the editors may agree or disagree. If your article is nominated for this process and you disagree with it, you need to indicate why you object to deletion in the edit summary. After discussion, the administrators will evaluate the responses and then take action as required. What to do if your page is nominated for deletion? Don?t panic. Deletion is not automatic, it is a process. Unless your article meets the criteria for speedy deletion, your page will not be deleted immediately. Many established users have had their pages nominated for deletion. People will try to reason about whether the article you have uploaded is worthy of being on Wikipedia. Pay attention to the reasons given in the nomination. If you cannot understand something, ask for an explanation. Address the reasons given and refute them as best as you can (backing them up with reliable sources) and try to improve your article accordingly. If others are making you feel that the deletion is personal, request them to stay civil. Refrain from making any personal attacks. Why do you need to hire a Wikipedia Page Creation Service? From a mere online encyclopedia, Wikipedia has emerged into a website where businesses and brands seek to increase their audience/clients. Wikipedia does not prefer self-promotion, so if it is proved that a brand is creating its own Wikipedia page, the page gets labelled for deletion. Also, Wikipedia has many other strict guidelines to follow. The pages that do not comply with the guidelines can result in the deletion of the pages and at times even result in permanent bans. Therefore, it is best to employ a professional Wikipedia page creation agency, who are experts in Wikipedia page creation which minimizes the risk of your page getting deleted. By employing a professional service, your business page on Wikipedia will get instant visibility. Wikipedia pages can help the users understand what your company does and how it operates. This task is quite complex and it hence requires a professional approach. One of the main advantages of working with a Wikipedia Page creation agency is that you get to work with an experienced Wikipedia editor who is already trusted by the Wiki community. Thus it will be much faster and efficient than creating your page. At Hats-Off Digital, we provide you with the best Wikipedia page creation services. We have been in business for many years and have a base of patrons who provide repetitive business opportunities to us. We are an agency that creates, expands and also corrects Wikipedia entries for our clients to ensure that the information is correct and complete.

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What Makes Wikipedia a Powerful Marketing Tool For Your Business

Wikipedia is an online collaborative, ever-evolving, user-generated encyclopedia. Unlike other typical encyclopedias, it does not hire writers to create posts. It is an open-source site and allows users to add content including pages, articles, and topics of general knowledge. The largest benefit of Wikipedia is its great size and reach. It has over 2.5 billion unique visitors per month, making it one of the most visited sites in the world. This is because the millions of articles are written by thousands of registered users and are available in more than 270 languages. The following blog discusses how having a Wikipedia page can help in the promotion of your business or services. Pros of Wikipedia Have you ever searched for something on Google? Then you must have seen the relevant Wikipedia link in one of the top three search results of the page. Just search up terms like ?Jeff Bezos? or ?Facebook? and see for yourself. Hence, no matter what the subject or content is, Wikipedia is one of the primary sources for many users to look for information. With editions of errors or omissions bring carried out every minute, Wikipedia stands as the most reliable and authentic online source of information that contains data in a massive quantity. Wikipedia has the capability to provide speedy delivery of any news, event, person, or any other subject. It can make any subject or content accessible to the world for free. It is objective and reliable. One can reconfirm the sources cited on the wiki page, and can even edit or update the current information. Thus, be it for any purpose, subject matter, or topic, Wikipedia never fails its users. Thus, Wikipedia is an open-source website that if utilized correctly, can be an effective online marketing tool for your business or brand. How Wikipedia will help your business, brand, or your name? Wikipedia can have a huge impact on your business and has the following benefits: You can create or edit your brand, business, or biography on Wikipedia. Your Wikipedia page can act as a guide to your services. You can provide readers with basic information on your business like a brand story, location, and executive list. Your business page on Wikipedia can produce a significant positive impact on your business and your reputation. It adds a certain prestige, authenticity and credibility to your business or persona. By now we all know the reliability and trust factor associated with Wikipedia. So when potential customers find that your brand has a Wikipedia page, they will start taking it more seriously. It can increase your sales by increasing traffic significantly. Online traffic has a major effect on sales. The links on Wikipedia can provide you with a good amount of relevant traffic and will consequently increase sales. All you need to do is hire a good Wikipedia page creation service like HatsOff. It can enhance your search visibility in search engine results. The key purpose of digital marketing is to provide your website with visibility. When your website is visible to more users on the internet, it will eventually bring in more customers for your business. It greatly improves SEO. Wikipedia holds a prime spot on Google?s search results page. As one of the top search results for any query on Google, your company can get an automatic SEO boost on Google. It is great for B2B marketing. Since branding is an essential component of digital marketing, having a Wikipedia page determines how your clients perceive your company. (Wikipedia agency) like HatsOff has years of experience in creating great Wikipedia articles. Keeping all the benefits given above in mind, we can confidently conclude that Wikipedia is a great online source of information that covers a wide range of subjects. However, Wikipedia has gained this reputation and trust by only citing authentic and reliable material. Hence, it is not a piece of cake to create a Wikipedia page. Wikipedia has a number of policies and guidelines that need to be followed and taken into consideration while writing the article. Without the help of Wikipedia professionals, one might end up facing legal problems. Therefore, it is best to take help and hire a trustworthy Wikipedia page creation agency to place your page on this reputed platform.

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All Wikipedia

Wikipedia: the evolved tool of digital marketing?

Have you ever wondered about the times when the word "internet" was Greek to us? In the archaic era, every unprecedented word and concept required you to think and comprehend. Thankfully, we've passed those times. And now, when unknown ideas leave us intrigued, all we think of is Google and Wikipedia. Yes, it's been a saviour for us. The term 'Wikipedia' is ultimately linked with information, knowledge, etc. But with the evolving era, Wikipedia has changed its nature. Some people might find it absurd, but Wikipedia is now one of the crucial tools for marketing and brand awareness. For people who deny this notion, the article ahead might help you understand its diversity and advantages. Reasons to have your company Wikipedia page Brand Value and Credibility:? Wikipedia is termed the 'free encyclopaedia' of the world. And who questions or doubts an encyclopaedia? This is the sole reason you need a company Wikipedia page. Your presence and information about the business and brand helps the audience gauge the credibility and identity factors. Your brand value and legitimacy increase drastically by being crowned under a Wikipedia page. Modern lives, digital promotions:? Conventional means of promotions are reasonable, but digital means are the need of the current times. Wikipedia is a digital platform vital for online awareness and marketing, and it helps you go unnoticed! Affordability: Who doesn't like affordable yet quality results? Wikipedia has the best to offer you. Compared to the traditional mediums and tools of marketing, Wikipedia services need to be more reasonable. However, this needs to be done under the guidance of a specialized agency. Explore our Wikipedia services and get your mission fulfilled. Potential connections:? Having a business page can assist firms in improving their interactions with their most significant clients. Publishing helpful material for clients can help you cultivate a solid connection with them. Customers and clients are always fond of minute details; your page can please them all! Customer choices:? The phrase' customer is the king' is aware of us. Having a Wikipedia presence helps customers give honest feedback, comments, and recommendations to the brand, which makes them feel empowered and increases the trust value of the brand. Not only the customers but the brand too gets a gist of their target audience and their perceptions. Wikipedia: for your brand awareness and growth Knowing the advantages of building a company Wikipedia page continues beyond here. There is more to it. A company Wikipedia page generated under the guidance of a Wikipedia page creation agency can also contribute to the growth of your brand. How? Keeps you on the top: Having a Wikipedia presence of your brand increases the brand credibility in the eyes of the users; similarly, it also gets heed from the algorithms. The search engine favours content and backlinks, which, hands down, are ample on a Wikipedia page. Being the globe's 5th most visited site, it helps you rank high in order. Organic rise: Wikipedia is Google's most trusted source. Therefore, having your company base here can help you fetch the top position in the search results. This, in turn, will not only increase your organic traffic but also convert your potential leads into target customers. Off-page SE0: Wikipedia has enormous potential for setting up backlinks and other off-page SEO techniques. This affects your page's conversion and traffic rate, thereby showing positive results. Additional tips from our experts:? At HatsOff, we have an experienced team of Wikipedia specialists. These cater to various requirements and make sure that the outcomes are extraordinary. To help you begin with your brand or company's Wikipedia page, our experts have one major piece of advice: Avail the needed services:? Our experts cannot emphasize this enough. Many people think a Wikipedia page can be generated merely by watching a few videos or visiting a few websites. It is a tedious task, which requires following more profound guidelines and conduct. Right from creation to maintenance, we recommend professional help and guidance. So, if you gauge the importance of this, contact us. We've been in the industry for years and will undoubtedly provide the potential Wikipedia page creation service you want!

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So You Got Up And Chose To Make Wikipedia Page; Hold On!

So, you are planning to open your Wikipedia page for yourself and unsure whether to do it? Don?t worry; until this blog ends, you will want to create a wiki page. But, Why do it? Wikipedia is one of the most popular go-to sites today because it provides free, easy-to-access, and accurate information on various topics. Hence when you create a page about yourself or your services, you start creating your internet presence. It is a collaborative platform that allows users to share and edit information, making it a constantly evolving and up-to-date source of knowledge. On top of that, its open-source nature allows for information to be translated into multiple languages, making it accessible to people worldwide. This is good cause the more people know about you, the better, isn?t it? Here are several reasons why someone might want to create a Wikipedia page: To provide information about a topic or person not currently represented on the site. To share knowledge and expertise about a particular subject. To increase visibility and credibility for a person, organization, or business. To promote a product, service, or brand. To increase public awareness of a person, organization, or business. To create and bring together a community by driving them towards your service through the page. And you have nothing to lose by making a page about yourself. But things like the Wikipedia page take effort and time to make better and more engaging. Also, Wikipedia has strict rules and policies if you want to start it, which, if not followed, may result in dire consequences like page termination. And this is where HATS-OFF Digital comes into the picture. We hold specialization in Wikipedia page creation services and make want the best for you. A Little bit of us: We, along with all our digital marketing services, are also a Wikipedia page creation agency that would be happy to help you to start a Wikipedia page from scratch. But why would you want us to create a page for you? Here?s your answer. Hiring HATS-OFF to create a Wikipedia page can be beneficial for several reasons: Skills: We have experience and knowledge about Wikipedia's policies and guidelines and can ensure that your page adheres to these standards and has a better chance of getting accepted. Saving time: Creating a Wikipedia page can be time-consuming, especially if you're unfamiliar with the process or have other responsibilities. We can handle the process on your behalf, allowing you to focus on other tasks. Quality: We have people, especially for writing informative and engaging content. They can also include necessary references, citations, and images. Rationality: Wikipedia articles must be written from a neutral point of view. So we can help to ensure that your page is not self-promoting and that it is written objectively. Surveillance: Wikipedia pages can be edited or deleted by any public member. We monitor the page and make any necessary updates or changes to ensure that it remains accurate and up-to-date. Reputation management: We ensure that the page is intact and that there is no false or misleading information about you or your company from Wikipedia and help you maintain a positive reputation. Requirements: We first understand what you expect and need to bring growth to your business, frame the page tailored to your needs, and, most importantly, deliver on time! And mainly, we make sure you are happy with us. But What are the benefits of creating a Wikipedia page for one? So Creating a Wikipedia page for your business can help in several ways: Awareness: Wikipedia is one of the most widely visited websites in the world, and having a page on the site can increase the visibility and awareness of your business among potential customers. Credibility: A Wikipedia page can lend credibility to your business and establish it as a reputable and trustworthy source of information. SEO: Wikipedia pages often rank highly in search engine results, so having a page for your business can help to increase its visibility in search results and drive more traffic to your website. Branding: A Wikipedia page can help establish your business as an authority in its field and enhance its reputation and brand. Reputation management: Wikipedia page can help you to monitor and remove any false or misleading information about your business that may appear on the site. Developing trust: Potential clients may look up your business on Wikipedia to learn more about what you do, what values you hold, and what projects you have been involved in. A well-written, informative Wikipedia page can increase their trust in your business. Again let me remind you, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain, so just dial +91 - 9923287864 or email us at poke@hatsoff.co.in and let?s talk.

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Getting Your Business Page Published on Wikipedia

A quick look at any top organization of the world reveals that they are likely listed on Wikipedia. It is one of the most popular websites in the world and can greatly increase your business?s visibility. In our previous blog, we covered some reasons why you should make a Wikipedia page for your business. Getting your business on Wikipedia has several advantages, including the potential to attract new clients and build trust with the existing customers, increase traffic to your site, increase sales, and inform people about your brand, services, and history. However, creating a Wikipedia page is not a walk in the park. To maintain its credibility, Wikipedia has some strict guidelines that one must follow to create a Wikipedia page. The violation of these guidelines can lead the user to be blocked by Wikipedia. Thus, as a Wikipedia page creation agency with over 10 years of experience, HatsOff recommends hiring a professional Wikipedia page creation service for creating your Wiki page. In the following blog, we have listed a few pointers to help you get your business on Wikipedia. Ensure that your business is notable. If your business has been featured in the press, on social media, or in newspapers, it counts as recognition. For a business to be notable, it must have a significant reputation in its industry. This reputation must be from third parties that are not affiliated with the organization. Make sure your company has a national or international impact. Your product or service must have an impact on the entire country or the world. This can be active, such as a renowned product, or passive like having clients all over the globe. Your product must have affected a large number of people. Find citations. Wikipedia has the policy to provide high-quality and credible coverage of topics. Self-promotion and self-linking are prohibited. When creating a page for your business, include credible third-party sources. These can be from news articles, forums, magazines, blogs, etc. Make sure that the citation you use on your Wikipedia page is authentic. Look for references on other Wikipedia pages. If you are mentioned on a Wikipedia page, more editors are more likely to add you to another page that they are editing. So the more pages you are mentioned on, the easier it will be for other editors to find your business and add it to their articles. This will help you build brand recognition and credibility by obtaining links and mentions from other Wikipedia pages. Research your industry. Find out more about other companies and organizations in your niche and see if they already have a Wikipedia page. If the information on your industry already exists, then create a page on a relevant topic and add entries that can count as citations. Be neutral. Your focus should be on writing an article that is neutral, to the point, and insightful. Provide information that will benefit potential customers and is not just aimed to advertise your business. Use only factual and significant information. It might be tempting to spice up your article with a little exaggeration but you must refrain from it. Stick to providing facts as Wiki editors are quick to remove an article that has falsehoods or sounds promotional. Always proofread. After writing content for Wikipedia. Make sure you proofread it repeatedly and remove all kinds of writing errors. If you are not satisfied with the editing and correcting of your content on your own, you can always hire a professional Wikipedia writer to cross-check your citations and proofread your articles for you. Keep it updated. While Wikipedia may not require fresh content to maintain a consistent online presence. The pages on the site need to be updated. Changes in stats, organizational values, employee data, and other domains of the organization must be updated on the Wikipedia pages. Hire professional help. Wikipedia writings often require professional help as they follow a specific citation style, content tone, and a lot of other guidelines and policies. A Wikipedia page creation service will not just provide quality content for Wikipedia but also help you edit and proofread published content if needed. The above points can make it easier for you to create a Wikipedia-worthy article for your business. However, although Wikipedia has clear writing guidelines for businesses, the task is cumbersome and grueling for beginners. Not only does it involve the risk of your article being deleted, in the worst situations, your account can also be banned. If your business gets flagged by Wiki editors, you cannot post about your business even from other accounts. Thus, to minimize the risk of deletion, companies must hire an expert Wikipedia page creation agency to create their wiki pages.

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What Makes Wikipedia a Powerful Marketing Tool For Your Business

Wikipedia is an online collaborative, ever-evolving, user-generated encyclopedia. Unlike other typical encyclopedias, it does not hire writers to create posts. It is an open-source site and allows users to add content including pages, articles, and topics of general knowledge. The largest benefit of Wikipedia is its great size and reach. It has over 2.5 billion unique visitors per month, making it one of the most visited sites in the world. This is because the millions of articles are written by thousands of registered users and are available in more than 270 languages. The following blog discusses how having a Wikipedia page can help in the promotion of your business or services. Pros of Wikipedia Have you ever searched for something on Google? Then you must have seen the relevant Wikipedia link in one of the top three search results of the page. Just search up terms like ?Jeff Bezos? or ?Facebook? and see for yourself. Hence, no matter what the subject or content is, Wikipedia is one of the primary sources for many users to look for information. With editions of errors or omissions bring carried out every minute, Wikipedia stands as the most reliable and authentic online source of information that contains data in a massive quantity. Wikipedia has the capability to provide speedy delivery of any news, event, person, or any other subject. It can make any subject or content accessible to the world for free. It is objective and reliable. One can reconfirm the sources cited on the wiki page, and can even edit or update the current information. Thus, be it for any purpose, subject matter, or topic, Wikipedia never fails its users. Thus, Wikipedia is an open-source website that if utilized correctly, can be an effective online marketing tool for your business or brand. How Wikipedia will help your business, brand, or your name? Wikipedia can have a huge impact on your business and has the following benefits: You can create or edit your brand, business, or biography on Wikipedia. Your Wikipedia page can act as a guide to your services. You can provide readers with basic information on your business like a brand story, location, and executive list. Your business page on Wikipedia can produce a significant positive impact on your business and your reputation. It adds a certain prestige, authenticity and credibility to your business or persona. By now we all know the reliability and trust factor associated with Wikipedia. So when potential customers find that your brand has a Wikipedia page, they will start taking it more seriously. It can increase your sales by increasing traffic significantly. Online traffic has a major effect on sales. The links on Wikipedia can provide you with a good amount of relevant traffic and will consequently increase sales. All you need to do is hire a good Wikipedia page creation service like HatsOff. It can enhance your search visibility in search engine results. The key purpose of digital marketing is to provide your website with visibility. When your website is visible to more users on the internet, it will eventually bring in more customers for your business. It greatly improves SEO. Wikipedia holds a prime spot on Google?s search results page. As one of the top search results for any query on Google, your company can get an automatic SEO boost on Google. It is great for B2B marketing. Since branding is an essential component of digital marketing, having a Wikipedia page determines how your clients perceive your company. (Wikipedia agency) like HatsOff has years of experience in creating great Wikipedia articles. Keeping all the benefits given above in mind, we can confidently conclude that Wikipedia is a great online source of information that covers a wide range of subjects. However, Wikipedia has gained this reputation and trust by only citing authentic and reliable material. Hence, it is not a piece of cake to create a Wikipedia page. Wikipedia has a number of policies and guidelines that need to be followed and taken into consideration while writing the article. Without the help of Wikipedia professionals, one might end up facing legal problems. Therefore, it is best to take help and hire a trustworthy Wikipedia page creation agency to place your page on this reputed platform.

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Wikipedia Page Deletion

On Wikipedia, many pages are deleted every day, as per their deletion policy. This blog will help you understand why your Wikipedia page might get removed and what you can do about a deletion that you disagree with.? There are many reasons why your Wikipedia page might be deleted, these included, but are not limited to the following: If your content meets at least one of the criteria for speedy deletion. The content you have uploaded violates copyrights and/or includes other material that violates Wikipedia?s non-free content criteria. It included vandalism, or if it exists solely to depreciate the subject. It is composed entirely of patent nonsense i.e. gibberish or has many redirecting links. It includes advertising or some other kind of spam without any relevant content. If the article cannot be attributed to reliable sources, and if they contain hoaxes or even original theories and conclusions. The page gets deleted when multiple attempts to find reliable sources to verify them fail. If it breaches Wikipedia?s policy on the biographies of living persons. If it includes files that are unused or violate the non-free policy of Wikipedia. If it contains any other content that is not suitable for an encyclopedia. All the above reasons will result in a speedy deletion of your page. For articles that do not meet the strict criteria for speedy deletion, proposed deletion (PROD) is a method through which your page might get nominate an article or file for uncontroversial deletion. If someone feels that your article is in disagreement with Wikipedia norms, they can nominate it for deletion. Articles for deletion or AfD is where the editors/volunteers or Wikipedians, as they are known, discuss whether an article should be deleted. However, even if your page gets deleted anyone may have the PRODed article or file restored through a request for undeletion. First let?s understand how deletion nomination work: An editor sees your article and feels that it does not belong on Wikipedia. They nominate the article for deletion, along with an explanation of why they think it is inappropriate for the site. Other editors respond to the nomination: In the AfD or Articles for Deletion process, the editors (including you) may agree- indicated with support/delete- or disagree-indicated with oppose/keep- or even suggest other alternatives to deletion such as merging it or redirecting it to another article. In the PROD process, the editors may agree or disagree. If your article is nominated for this process and you disagree with it, you need to indicate why you object to deletion in the edit summary. After discussion, the administrators will evaluate the responses and then take action as required. What to do if your page is nominated for deletion? Don?t panic. Deletion is not automatic, it is a process. Unless your article meets the criteria for speedy deletion, your page will not be deleted immediately. Many established users have had their pages nominated for deletion. People will try to reason about whether the article you have uploaded is worthy of being on Wikipedia. Pay attention to the reasons given in the nomination. If you cannot understand something, ask for an explanation. Address the reasons given and refute them as best as you can (backing them up with reliable sources) and try to improve your article accordingly. If others are making you feel that the deletion is personal, request them to stay civil. Refrain from making any personal attacks. Why do you need to hire a Wikipedia Page Creation Service? From a mere online encyclopedia, Wikipedia has emerged into a website where businesses and brands seek to increase their audience/clients. Wikipedia does not prefer self-promotion, so if it is proved that a brand is creating its own Wikipedia page, the page gets labelled for deletion. Also, Wikipedia has many other strict guidelines to follow. The pages that do not comply with the guidelines can result in the deletion of the pages and at times even result in permanent bans. Therefore, it is best to employ a professional Wikipedia page creation agency, who are experts in Wikipedia page creation which minimizes the risk of your page getting deleted. By employing a professional service, your business page on Wikipedia will get instant visibility. Wikipedia pages can help the users understand what your company does and how it operates. This task is quite complex and it hence requires a professional approach. One of the main advantages of working with a Wikipedia Page creation agency is that you get to work with an experienced Wikipedia editor who is already trusted by the Wiki community. Thus it will be much faster and efficient than creating your page. At Hats-Off Digital, we provide you with the best Wikipedia page creation services. We have been in business for many years and have a base of patrons who provide repetitive business opportunities to us. We are an agency that creates, expands and also corrects Wikipedia entries for our clients to ensure that the information is correct and complete.

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